Mum and Baby Yoga - My postnatal saviour!

When my little boy Freddie was born I did all the things I ‘should do’ to fit in with the mum squad. This included amongst the numerous coffee and cake mornings, baby classes. To be honest some were great and some, well they did nothing for me and I’m not sure what my little baby got out of them as he was just along for the ride.

Now I know that everyone is different in their likes, wants and needs but one thing we both did enjoy and I know he did too as there were lots of smiles and giggles, was mum and baby yoga with Tríona.

So what was different? Well MamaHugz mum and baby yoga wasn’t just a class for him where I didn’t get anything out of it (and I don’t mean watching him smile and giggle did nothing for me but I do need a little something adult for my entertainment too). And it wasn’t a class just for me where he was stuck in a buggy with no baby entertainment. It was a class for both of us. Yoga for mom, yoga for baby and yoga for two. And not a neon coloured class with bright lights which quite frankly is not good for a sleep deprived new mom!

The benefits of yoga are just as amazing for a baby as they are for an adult. In particular, I found the baby yoga postures and movements helped immensely with Freddie's digestion which was a big bonus given he suffered with silent reflux for the first few months of his life. 

And what about mum? Tríona's MamaHugz mum and baby yoga class helped me get back into a fit and healthy lifestyle (body and mind), build strength and rebuild on the muscles overworked in pregnancy and birth. Not to mention, mum  and baby yoga helps you meet that all important new mum gang. I thoroughly enjoyed the regular MamaHugz meet ups Tríona organised including picnics in the park. 

Life as a new mom can be lonely especially without the close support network if family is afar. New mom hood is a life of sleepless nights and long days navigating the journey of a newborn. All this is suddenly so much easier and more refreshing with a group of like minded mom friends to hang out with (and not to mention WhatsApp on the nightly 2 am feed)

So if you are looking for an activity to do as a new mom to get fit and healthy, enjoy time bonding with your new baby, and meet other like minded new moms, I would highly recommend Triona's Mum and Baby Yoga class. 

Baby yoga is just the beginning of both yours and your child’s mat time together.

Maddie and Freddie x 


Pregnancy Yoga - A time to bond with baby


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