About Mama Hugz Yoga

Joyful and nourishing pre and postnatal yoga classes to celebrate you and your child on this most extraordinary journey from pregnancy to motherhood and beyond.

Intertwining my love of yoga and human connection, MamaHugz Yoga was created with community in mind. The journey to pregnancy, birth and beyond can be a joyous time but often a lonely and anxious time too. Let MamaHugz be your sanctuary and enjoy the support network of women who are treading the same path as you. Yoga is for everybody and I aim to share its holistic and nourishing healing powers with you and your child in a safe and nurturing environment.

Having experienced one of the bumpier roads to motherhood with my own fertility challenges, I want to provide other women a place where they can come, be heard, understood and looked after.

My Mama Hugz classes truly come from my heart and soul. I endeavour to make my classes welcoming, joyful, nourishing and nurturing, building and sense of community and belonging.

Triona Yoga Instructor

Celebrating pregnancy, motherhood and childhood is a magical journey. Join me, join us as we conquer this journey together.

Tríona x

"A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside…when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone"